fastavro command line script ============================ A command line script is installed with the library that can be used to dump the contents of avro file(s) to the standard output. Usage:: usage: fastavro [-h] [--schema] [--codecs] [--version] [-p] [file [file ...]] iter over avro file, emit records as JSON positional arguments: file file(s) to parse optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --schema dump schema instead of records --codecs print supported codecs --version show program's version number and exit -p, --pretty pretty print json Examples -------- Read an avro file:: $ fastavro weather.avro {"temp": 0, "station": "011990-99999", "time": -619524000000} {"temp": 22, "station": "011990-99999", "time": -619506000000} {"temp": -11, "station": "011990-99999", "time": -619484400000} {"temp": 111, "station": "012650-99999", "time": -655531200000} {"temp": 78, "station": "012650-99999", "time": -655509600000} Show the schema:: $ fastavro --schema weather.avro { "type": "record", "namespace": "test", "doc": "A weather reading.", "fields": [ { "type": "string", "name": "station" }, { "type": "long", "name": "time" }, { "type": "int", "name": "temp" } ], "name": "Weather" }